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Niels Mikkelsen

Mand 1820 - 1894  (73 år)

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Nellie Mikkelsen
Kvinde 1883-1961
Hans Peter Osterlin
Mand 1875-før 1920
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Grant L. Sorensen
Mand ca. 1916-før 2012
Marvel Sorensen
Kvinde 1919-før 2012
Antonio Lopresti
Mand ca. 1910-
Donna Sorensen
Kvinde 1919-2012
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John Sorensen
Mand ca. 1922-før 2012
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Marva Sorenson
Kvinde 1926-1999
M. Jay England
Mand 1923-1990
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David Sorenson
Mand ca. 1939-eft. 2005
Erma Whitaker
Kvinde 1915-2012
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Ray O. Sorensen
Mand 1918-ca. 1939
Raymond Sørensen
Mand 1918-ca. 1917
Coral Sorensen
Kvinde 1920-2005
Jack Hiatt
Mand 1917-1981
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Emily Jane Olsen
Kvinde 1886-1959
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Marie Sorensen
Kvinde 1921-2013
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Lewis Reed Lloyd
Mand 1919-2004
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Edith Lloyd
Kvinde 1923-2010
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Grant S. Lloyd
Mand 1924-2006
Mary Lou Farr
Kvinde 1929-2005
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David Ariel Nash
Mand 1902-1969
Gladys Manwaring
Kvinde 1916-2013
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Ellis Lea Lloyd
Mand 1889-1971
Ruth S. Weedop
Kvinde 1914-ca. 1981
Wayne E. Linzy
Mand 1911-2006
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Ralph S. Weedop
Mand 1917-1930
Irene Weedop
Kvinde 1920-2007
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Owen S. Weedop
Mand 1922-1999
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Ada Weedop
Kvinde 1924-2005
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Wesley Jean Ream
Mand 1915-1969
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Foster Sorensen
Mand 1925-2000
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Murriel Sorensen
Kvinde 1926-2009
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Donna Durrant
Kvinde 1904-1990
Douglas Lloyd
Mand 1935-2006
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John Lyman Lloyd
Mand 1902-1999
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Niels Mikkelsen
Mand 1820-1894

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Opdateres af Bjarne Bidstrup.

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