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Andrea Kirstine Petrea Lind

Kvinde 1837 - 1934  (96 år)

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 = Ny tavle
Eileen Howard
Kvinde 1913-ca. 1998
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Valdemar Hansen
Mand 1910-1910
Poul Hansen
Mand 1912-1912
Margrethe Hansen
Kvinde 1913-1913
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Kathrine Westh
Kvinde 1900-1981
Andrea Westh
Kvinde 1900-1900
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Jørgen Nielsen
Mand -ca. 1938
Emilie Katrine Westh
Kvinde 1900-ca. 1945
Teresia Westh
Kvinde ca. 1903-
Emilia Vine
Kvinde ca. 1912-
Sara Westh
Kvinde 1913-
Oscar Nielsen
Mand ca. 1902-
Georg Jensen
Mand 1885-1885
Ernesto Schmidt
Mand ca. 1910-
 = Ny tavle
Victor Schmidt
Mand ca. 1912-
 = Ny tavle
Edith Jensen
Kvinde ca. 1890-
Sofio Schmidt
Mand ca. 1878-
 = Ny tavle
Victoria Jensen
Kvinde ca. 1892-
Blas Hemmingsen
Mand ca. 1890-
Caroline Oddone
Kvinde ca. 1894-
Carmen Oddonede
Kvinde ca. 1898-
Olaf Jensen
Mand ca. 1896-
Viggo Jensen
Mand ca. 1904-
Jens Ludvig Jensen
Mand 1854-ca. 1939
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Ellen Kofoed
Kvinde 1921-1956
Poul Kofoed
Mand 1923-1973
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Arne Kofoed
Mand 1925-1990
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Herman Kofoed
Mand 1893-1961
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Peder Nielsen
Mand 1863-1945
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Arne Ludvigsen
Mand 1898-1973
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Essia Neuhard
Kvinde ca. 1945-ca. 1998
Birgit Heering
Kvinde 1943-1997
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Elin Thorlund
Kvinde 1932-2015
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Ejner Thorlund
Mand 1937-2007
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Aage Jensen
Mand 1903-1903
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Frederik Westh
Mand 1899-1986
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Valdemar Westh
Mand 1902-1996
Vilhelmine Smith
Kvinde 1908-2001
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Knud Arboe Sonne
Mand 1896-1980
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Kai Erik Colberg
Mand 1923-1977
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Kaori NN
Kvinde 21 jun. 195?-
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Knud Arne Funch
Mand 1914-1976
Anna Lise Funch
Kvinde 1926-1996
Holger Boesen
Mand 1914-1990
Nancy Funch
Kvinde 1917-1972
Anders Nielsen
Mand 1915-1967
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Richard Funch
Mand 1921-1985
Annie Petersen
Kvinde 1931-2011
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Opdateres af Bjarne Bidstrup.

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