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Ane Pedersdatter

Kvinde ca. 1797 - 1849  (52 år)

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Hans Christiansen
Mand 1850-ca. 1893
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Ole Jensen
Mand 1851-1915
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Niels Jensen
Mand 1866-1944
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Clara Olsen
Kvinde 1900-1981
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Hermod Gustav Bidstrup
Mand 1885-ca. 1973
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Kristiane Hansen
Kvinde 1903-1982
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Anna J. NN
Kvinde 1892-1970
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Louise Thomasdatter
Kvinde ca. 1824-1848
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Helene Marie Larsen
Kvinde 1869-ca. 1957
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Jens Peter Hansen
Mand 1878-ca. 1903
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Vilhelm Bidstrup
Mand 1882-1949
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NN Qvitzau
Mand -før 1942
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Rosa Bidstrup
Kvinde 1880-1932
Vilhelm Bidstrup
Mand 1882-1949
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Frederik Anton Marcussen
Mand 1867-før 1969
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Hans Peder Bidstrup
Mand 1855-ca. 1937
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Marie Chmiel
Kvinde 1894-1977
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Udøbt pige
Kvinde 1892-1892
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Holger Bidstrup
Mand 1898-1993
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Sophie Sørensen
Kvinde 1831-1869
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Oda Pedersen
Kvinde 1907-1989
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Astrid Bidstrup
Kvinde 1898-1958
Carla Bidstrup
Kvinde 1900-ca. 2001
Mathilde Madsen
Kvinde 1888-1933
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Erik Crone
Mand 1896-1971
Hilma Bidstrup
Kvinde ca. 1903-
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Anna Pedersen
Kvinde 1918-2001
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Mildred Bidstrup
Kvinde ca. 1913-
Gerda Bidstrup
Kvinde ca. 1915-
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Karoline Selblad
Kvinde ca. 1861-
Emil Bidstrup
Mand 1866-1898
Kirstine Nielsen
Kvinde ca. 1844-
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Ane Pedersdatter
Kvinde ca. 1797-1849
Carl August Bidstrup
Mand ca. 1786-1839

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