Jørgen Kofod Jespersen | |
F: | 26 jul. 1868 |
Klemensker sogn, Nørre herred, Bornholms amt | |
D: | 26 dec. 1889 |
Rønne købstad, Vester herred, Bornholms amt |
Astrid Marie Charlotta Jespersen | |
F: | 19 sep. 1900 |
Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, U.S.A. |
Christian Andreas Jespersen | |
F: | 30 jun. 1870 |
Rønne købstad, Vester herred, Bornholms amt |
Hedvig Augusta Nyberg | |
F: | 7 mar. 1872 |
Vimmersby, Sverige |
Axel Michael Jespersen | |
F: | 9 okt. 1872 |
Vestermarie sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt | |
D: | 3 mar. 1938 |
Oringe, Vordingborg Landsogn, Baarse herred, Præstø amt |
Eleonora Mathilde Christensen | |
F: | 9 nov. 1866 |
Nibe sogn, Hornum herred, Aalborg amt | |
G: | 19 apr. 1905 |
D: | 4 dec. 1949 |
Rønne købstad, Vester herred, Bornholms amt |
William Andreas Jespersen | |
F: | 11 jan. 1875 |
Østermarie sogn, Øster herred, Bornholms amt | |
D: | 3 nov. 1924 |
New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. |
Herman Marius Jespersen | |
F: | 9 jan. 1879 |
Hasle købstad, Nørre herred, Bornholms amt |
Hulda Marie Theresia Olson | |
F: | 26 jun. 1869 |
Hagvalds Venge, Gottland, Sverige |
Andreas Michael Jespersen | |
F: | 1 dec. 1846 |
Ibsker sogn, Øster herred, Bornholms amt | |
D: | 5 jul. 1903 |
Østermarie sogn, Øster herred, Bornholms amt |
Engeline Maria Westh | |
F: | 20 jul. 1844 |
Klemensker sogn, Nørre herred, Bornholms amt | |
G: | 1 dec. 1866 |
Klemensker kirke | |
D: | 18 nov. 1927 |
Rønne købstad, Vester herred, Bornholms amt |
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