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Peter Vilhelm Bidstrup

Mand 1822 - 1872  (49 år)

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Louise Thomasdatter

Kvinde ca. 1824-1848

Maren Lyndrup

Kvinde 1895-1974

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Vera Bidstrup

Kvinde 1904-1998

Otto Jorgensen

Mand 1906-1972

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Eva Lois Olin

Kvinde 1908-ca. 1992

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Neva Marie Bidstrup

Kvinde 1912-ca. 1969

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Everett Bidstrup

Mand ca. 1897-1918

Henry Bidstrup

Mand 1898-1968

Norma A. Nash

Kvinde 1897-1985

Mildred H. Esch

Kvinde 1909-ca. 2008

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Rosa Bidstrup

Kvinde ca. 1905-

Arthur Bidstrup


Selma Bidstrup

Kvinde ca. 1914-

Helene Marie Larsen

Kvinde 1869-ca. 1957

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Jens Peter Hansen

Mand 1878-ca. 1903

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Claus Bidstrup

Mand 1928-1928

Bent Bidstrup

Mand 1928-1928

NN Qvitzau

Mand -før 1942

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Udøbt dreng

Mand 1916-ca. 1916

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Rosa Bidstrup

Kvinde 1880-1932

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Margrethe Harder

Kvinde 1903-ca. 1993

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NN Christiansen

Mand før 1911-

Hans Peder Bidstrup

Mand 1855-ca. 1937

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Leo Bidstrup Pedersen

Mand 1930-ca. 2005

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Gunnar Bidstrup

Mand 1933-1994

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Emilie Dagny Bidstrup

Kvinde 1922-ca. 1970

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Karlo Bidstrup

Mand 1922-ca. 2005

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Marie Chmiel

Kvinde 1894-1977

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Opdateres af Bjarne Bidstrup.

Se min hovedside: www.bidstrup.cc/slaegt