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Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt



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   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID 
1 Andersen, Esber  20 maj 1833Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8561
2 Bengtsen, Ejna Marlit   I80626
3 Bidstrup, Andrea Caroline  10 mar. 1858Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8906
4 Bidstrup, Andrea Marie  11 okt. 1854Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8905
5 Bidstrup, Anna Cathrine  5 jan. 1880Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8911
6 Bidstrup, Anthon Jørgensen  13 dec. 1826Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I11767
7 Bidstrup, Caroline Jensine  20 nov. 1877Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8910
8 Bidstrup, Christine Marie  14 nov. 1859Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8902
9 Bidstrup, Elisabeth Christine Jørgine  13 okt. 1837Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I11916
10 Bidstrup, Elisabeth Margrethe  13 feb. 1871Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8908
11 Bidstrup, Esper Andersen  3 mar. 1875Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8912
12 Bidstrup, Hans Jørgen  25 okt. 1855Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8903
13 Bidstrup, Hans Peter  11 sep. 1856Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8904
14 Bidstrup, Hans Peter  3 okt. 1863Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8901
15 Bidstrup, Jens Peter  3 jan. 1829Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8559
16 Bidstrup, Jens Peter  29 apr. 1835Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8562
17 Bidstrup, Jørgen  5 sep. 1834Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I3144
18 Bidstrup, Jørgen Peter  23 sep. 1861Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8907
19 Bidstrup, Kristian Ipsen  18 nov. 1839Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I11917
20 Bidstrup, Otto Andreas  24 jan. 1868Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8909
21 Bidstrup, Peder Andersen  19 nov. 1830Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8560
22 Birk, Svend Aage Hansen  9 jul. 1920Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I23043
23 Boss, Richard Kristian  5 jan. 1895Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I21522
24 Dam, Carl  ca. 1821Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I16474
25 Dam, Peder Jensen  ca. 1819Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I4856
26 dreng, Dødfødt  9 jul. 1890Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I59920
27 Hansen, Birthe Elisabeth Rømer  6 apr. 1935Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I69788
28 Hansen, Børge Johannes   I20724
29 Hansen, Elise Marie   I59946
30 Hansen, Emil Kristian   I59944
31 Hansen, Erna Christine   I59947
32 Hansen, Erna Marie  1 jul. 1933Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I59945
33 Hansen, Esther  3 jul. 1936Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I20725
34 Hansen, Eva Elise  29 okt. 1906Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I59939
35 Hansen, Jens Bistrup  ca. 1792Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8236
36 Hansen, John   I20723
37 Hansen, Jonna   I20726
38 Hansen, Karl Laurentius  19 maj 1900Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I71488
39 Hansen, Laura Marie  3 okt. 1894Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I59919
40 Hansen, Leo Georg  31 jul. 1927Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I59942
41 Hansen, Magda Juliane  30 aug. 1891Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I59918
42 Hansen, Solvej Marie Rømer  13 jan. 1938Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I80630
43 Hansen, Theodor Niels Kristian  18 okt. 1898Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I59921
44 Hansen, Aage Theodor  2 sep. 1932Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I59943
45 Ipsen, Andrea Ottobine  3 jun. 1880Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I86608
46 Ipsen, Anna Annine  3 jan. 1878Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I54572
47 Ipsen, Knud Valdemar  19 nov. 1903Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I17156
48 Jacobsen, Herman Peter  25 nov. 1882Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I45636
49 Jakobsen, Anker Hansen  7 maj 1929Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I45651
50 Jakobsen, Anna Hermanda  28 jun. 1912Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I45645

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Match 1 til 50 fra 67

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   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID 
1 Andersdatter, Johanna Petrea  28 nov. 1894Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I52587
2 Andersen, Karen Marie  20 feb. 1889Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I87986
3 Andersen, Niels Peter  20 apr. 1847Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I5470
4 Bidstrup, Andrea Caroline  14 maj 1864Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8906
5 Bidstrup, Andrea Marie  29 maj 1857Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8905
6 Bidstrup, Hans Jørgen  3 nov. 1855Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8903
7 Bidstrup, Hans Peter  22 maj 1857Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8904
8 Bidstrup, Jens Peter  24 sep. 1831Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8559
9 Bidstrup, Magdalene Christine  25 dec. 1904Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I11914
10 Bidstrup, Peder Andersen  8 dec. 1913Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8560
11 Espersdatter, Anna Catharina  28 mar. 1891Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8540
12 Hansen, Erna Marie  1 jul. 1933Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I59945
13 Hansen, Niels Valdemar  24 jul. 1859Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I75197
14 Hansen, Peder  ca. 1799Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I38166
15 Hartvig, Thora Kristine Wilhelmine  26 sep. 1913Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I20540
16 Holm, Andrea Regina  7 apr. 1935Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I37042
17 Ipsen, Holger Otto Bidstrup  24 maj 1999Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I22106
18 Jakobsen, Peter Jens Christian  26 apr. 1914Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I45637
19 Jensdatter, Ellen  ca. 1798Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I16593
20 Jensen, Alma Kristine Margrethe  28 aug. 1887Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I43834
21 Jensen, Anna Maria Laurine  27 dec. 1874Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I46952
22 Jensen, Bente Steinhauer  2 nov. 1977Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I45652
23 Jensen, Sanna Caroline Dorthea  27 jan. 1879Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I47096
24 Jespersen, Gyda Adelheid Vesterdahl  19 apr. 2012Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I45709
25 Jönsson, Johan Peter  2 okt. 1868Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I12329
26 Jønsson, Jørgen Christian  20 dec. 1888Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I12332
27 Jørgensdatter, Christine Margrethe  3 feb. 1898Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I3115
28 Jørgensen, Georg Peder  25 mar. 1941Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I18266
29 Kofod, Jørgen Levidor Willemann  19 jan. 1923Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I12556
30 Kofoed, Laurits Christian  21 nov. 1880Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I12559
31 Kristoffersen, Jens Nikolai  21 aug. 1911Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I80634
32 Larsen, Jens Christian  27 mar. 1873Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I54534
33 Larsen, Lauritz Peter  23 mar. 1873Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I54537
34 Larsen, Ludvig Andreas Christian  14 mar. 1964Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I54523
35 Larsen, Marie Birthea  1 sep. 1948Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I3118
36 Lassedatter, Judith  ca. 1808Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8286
37 Lind, Hans Pedersen  ca. 1776Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I38169
38 Lind, Hans Pedersen  ca. 1788Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I38173
39 Ludvigsen, Margrethe Kirstine  6 sep. 1899Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I54522
40 Lund, Elene Claudine  18 mar. 1932Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I87991
41 Lund, Jørgen Hansen  14 mar. 1896Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I87849
42 Lund, Kirsten Lambrecht  15 feb. 1959Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I36673
43 Markmann, Else Kirstine  3 aug. 1877Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I3979
44 Mognsen, Juliane Scharlotte  22 dec. 1834Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I54385
45 Mortensdatter, Karen Marie  15 sep. 1866Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8900
46 Nielsdatter, Ingeborg  ca. 1814Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I38167
47 Nielsen, Janne Hansine Mathrine  1 mar. 1883Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I19174
48 Nielsen, Ole  11 dec. 1827Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I8291
49 Nilsson, Emil Sinius  27 mar. 1916Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I59937
50 Olsdatter, Anne  ca. 1798Arnager, Nylars sogn, Vestre herred, Bornholms amt I37436

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