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Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt



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501 Kure, Ancher  ca. 1884Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I7956
502 Kure, Anders  30 jan. 1815Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I3960
503 Kure, Anders Peter Pedersen  ca. 1798Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I7602
504 Kure, Andreas Castor  27 mar. 1845Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I13417
505 Kure, Andreas Jørgensen  11 apr. 1844Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I39453
506 Kure, Anine Gundine Christine  19 maj 1843Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I87517
507 Kure, Carl Westh  13 jan. 1857Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I13409
508 Kure, Frederik Hansen  3 aug. 1837Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I34760
509 Kure, Giertrud Marie  ca. 1886Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I13972
510 Kure, Hans Henias Benignus  13 feb. 1843Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I5268
511 Kure, Laurits  16 sep. 1892Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I65156
512 Kure, Laurits Nicodemus  1 jun. 1845Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I65158
513 Kure, Niels  5 apr. 1889Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I24256
514 Kure, Peder Andersen  ca. 1767Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I7609
515 Kure, Victor Georg  15 jun. 1844Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I43170
516 Kuure, Elisabeth Boline  30 jun. 1853Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I13408
517 Kuure, Jens Theodor  23 jul. 1853Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I64185
518 Køller, Helga Alvilde  31 aug. 1904Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75801
519 Køller, Johannes  22 feb. 1906Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75802
520 Køller, Vilhelm  1 okt. 1908Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75803
521 Lambrecht, Else Dagmar Margrethe   I660
522 Langsted, Anna Hansdatter  ca. 1687Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I8308
523 Larsdatter, Christine Marie  7 jul. 1817Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I11951
524 Larsdatter, Dorthea Maria  ca. 1798Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75842
525 Larsdatter, Ellen Kirstine  ca. 1799Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I7652
526 Larsdatter, Karen Kirstine  ca. 1808Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I86576
527 Larsdatter, Karen Marie  23 sep. 1813Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75848
528 Larsdatter, Lisebeth  ca. 1803Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75844
529 Larsdatter, Maren Katrine  7 dec. 1788Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I17970
530 Larsdatter, Margrethe Kirstine  ca. 1800Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75843
531 Larsdatter, Marie Sophie  ca. 1805Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75845
532 Larsdatter, Marthe Marie  7 jul. 1817Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75850
533 Larsdatter, Pedermine Margrethe Kristine  ca. 1856Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I26899
534 Larsdatter, Petrea Margrethe Kristine  23 mar. 1855Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I85502
535 Larsen, Asta Christine  29 nov. 1904Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I53447
536 Larsen, Birte Birgitte  4 okt. 1936Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I80994
537 Larsen, Claus  ca. 1722Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I1319
538 Larsen, Edel Agnete   I12817
539 Larsen, Jens  ca. 1793Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75840
540 Larsen, Karen Marie  ca. 1813Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I5789
541 Larsen, Lars Jensen  ca. 1812Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75847
542 Larsen, Magda Kristine  7 nov. 1907Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I39915
543 Larsen, Peder  ca. 1795Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I75841
544 Larsen, Peder  ca. 1806Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I86575
545 Larsen, Petra Vilhelmine  9 okt. 1883Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I34101
546 Laursen, Svend Tolstrup   I7150
547 Lind, Anna Catrine  6 okt. 1824Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I14878
548 Lindberg, Bodil Kristine Frederikke  14 dec. 1909Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I71689
549 Lund, Anne Kirstine  ca. 1791Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I3060
550 Lund, Arne Peter Espersen  24 jun. 1922Nyker sogn, Vester herred, Bornholms amt I54106

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